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Interview with Dr. Irina Ershova MD


Irina Ershova is the director and head physician of Moscow SCENAR center and a SCENAR therapist with more than 20 years of experience. Spe specializes in therapy, radiology, physiotherapy, reflexotherapy, and SCENAR therapy.

Q: You were a successful doctor, what made you switch to SCENAR therapy?

A: When I graduated from Sverdlovsk Medical University I spent five years working in a large clinical hospital and made my way from an intern to the head of the admission department. That was a very good school of life which still helps me a lot. My second specialisation was roentgenology, but after eleven years of working as a roentgenologist, I started to have health problems. So the chief doctor of my hospital, Tamara Litvinova, suggested me to master the “new technologies”. That is how I discovered SCENAR therapy.

Q: When did you use SCENAR for the first time?

A: In 1996, during the training seminar organized by RITM OKB. That was when I met Yury Gorfinkel, Alexander Revenko and Yakov Grinberg. These three people had a great influence on my development as a SCENAR therapist. From the very beginning, I realized how unique this technology was. Same device, same rules, but you can treat different diseases – both acute and chronic! I became obsessed with SCENAR therapy.

Q: And who was your first patient?

A: First I was a patient myself and went through all the recovery stages. My health significantly improved, and so my choice was proved right.

I started to learn more about SCENAR technology. In order to have a better understanding of the holistic approach towards the treatment of diseases, I studied reflexotherapy and homeopathy. That gave me an opportunity to become a licenced SCENAR therapist. For many years of my SCENAR therapy practice, I have treated different cases and different patients. I helped some people to avoid disability and I even saved some lives. In every case, I had a trustworthy assistant named SCENAR!

Q: But still, who was your very first patient?

A: The very first patients were my family members – my husband, my son, and my parents. Back then I lacked a lot of knowledge, but since the very beginning, I have firmly believed that SCENAR therapist is always right, that SCENAR device cannot harm, and the body is able to treat itself. This is what I have learned at my very first SCENAR therapy training, and this was proved right many times during my long practice. My family helped me to master the basics of this new specialisation and quickly felt the results of the “magic” treatment.

Q: We often face scepticism towards SCENAR therapy, can you comment on that?

A: First of all, the majority of doctors do not know about this technology or do not understand it. They often think this is regular physiotherapy having a huge number of contraindications.

Second, SCENAR technology has a different approach to the patient and disease than conventional medicine. The doctors are very conservative and not tend to easily accept something new and progressive.

Third, there are many unfair offers in this market. One cannot ignore the negative experience of those who have tried some types of “new” medical technologies and witnessed that their advertising most often does not correspond to reality.

And finally, there is a lack of proper health communication and promotion among medical professionals and patients.

Q: Could you please tell us about the most interesting case you had?

A: Every single patient is unique. I can talk for hours and hours. Here is one example: woman, fifty years old, traumatologists diagnosed her with ligament rupture. The joint movement was restricted significantly, any movement caused pain up to 10 points (NPRS), and up to 7 points at rest, plus edema and hematoma. She already had the splint installed and was planned for the surgery. But she refused and came to seek my advice.

The treatment was carried out according to the active local complaint algorithm. I treated the direct projection of the complaint area, the symmetrical area, and the lumbar spine segments. After the very first procedure, the pain at rest was completely gone and the pain on movement decreased to 3 points. She was even able to sit. After the second session, the splint was removed. The treatment course contained 7 sessions. The pain disappeared joint range of motion restored in full. Two weeks after the SCENAR course the patient had another consultation in CITO (Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics). The traumatologists concluded: there is no need for surgery!

But this is not the end of the story. Soon she had a routine ultrasound examination of the small pelvis (she had a history of a large ovary cyst, not growing, that was under the supervision of the gynecologist for several years). And the ultrasound showed no cyst! Both the patient and the gynecologist could not believe it.

But this is a fact. In SCENAR technology it used to be called unpredicted positive result. In many patients the complaints and chronic diseases which were not the focus of SCENAR therapy treatment disappeared.

In the end, all the family members of this woman became my patients, and the gynecologist is now the active SCENAR user. This case proves again that SCENAR therapy is the unique treatment method, especially in the acute period.

Q: So should SCENAR become a common doctor’s tool like a stethoscope or tonometer?

A: Worldwide SCENAR is positioned as an anti-pain therapy device. It also has significant antiedemic, anti-inflammatory, and reparative effects. Moreover, there are situations when conventional treatment has no or little effect. For example, bedsores in seriously ill bed-bound patients. That means the strongest pain, secondary infection, and many other complications. With SCENAR every doctor can help such patients in a very short time.

Q: Do you agree that every family should have a SCENAR device?

A: Every time something happens to me or my family, SCENAR is the first thing we use. And I always ask myself – how people live without it? This is our all-purpose first aid kit, especially in acute states. The most common example is the respiratory disease. When you treat the projections of the affected organs, the treatment takes no longer than 1-2 days. No complications, often no drugs needed (our “beloved” Paracetamol). Every my patient knows that SCENAR can help in any situation, it is a clinic and first aid in your pocket.

Q: How do you appraise the prospects of SCENAR therapy development?

A: Cholistic medicine, where SCENAR therapy belongs, is the future. There is a lot to do to make this method widely known. I think, today the main RITM OKB’s task is to implement this method into the combined therapy of various diseases. I want to believe that in the nearest future SCENAR therapy will be much more widespread. I do hope so!


