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Interview with Yury Perfiliev


Dr. Yury Perfiliev MD Pediatrician, Candidate of medical science, Associate professor of Rostov State Medical University (Russia).

Dr. Perfiliev has been working with SCENAR for 15 years. According to his observations, using SCENAR in medical practice gives positive results in the treatment of various pathological states, which also refers to children.

1. Why did you start doing SCENAR therapy? How did it influence you?

I am a medical doctor raised on the principles of the classic soviet healthcare system. When I have heard about some kind of a miracle device for the first time I was quite ironic but remembered the idea. Back then I was working in Africa. When I got back to Russia, one of my friends told me that her daughter treats her patients with some fantastic machine, which raised in me even more doubts about the amazing possibilities of a small plastic box. But then my intern demonstrated me the analgesic effect of SCENAR treatment. Now I was really interested. I took a short SCENAR therapy training course and realized: in my hands I hold the device that provides therapeutic influence. Soon I attended a SCENAR therapy conference where I met my student friend doctor Alexander Tarakanov. It turned out that he had already been carried away by this technology for a long time. Also, I was introduced to Jakov Grinberg, who was the General Director of RITM OKB ZAO back then. That was when I started my way in SCENAR therapy.

2. You are a pediatrician. How many children did you treat with SCENAR? Could you please tell us about the most interesting cases?

It’s hard to tell the quantity. Moreover, I can tell that in some cases the positive effect was obtained by using SCENAR as a standalone treatment. In other cases, we used the combined treatment because SCENAR works well with other treatment methods enhancing their therapeutic effects. I remember a teenager with full-blown gastroesophageal reflux disease (a chronic pathology arising from the gastrointestinal sphincter disorder), which provoked severe esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), multiple gastric erosion, and the so-called “kissing” (double) pyloric ulcers. His condition was documented and recorded on video and made a huge impression on other doctors. But they were impressed even more when I showed them the results of a 10-day SCENAR treatment course. There were almost no remaining signs of esophagitis, smooth gastric mucosa, cardiac rosette formation, and thin, barely noticeable ulcer scars.

Later on, at the Department of Gastroenterology, we conducted studies on the treatment of other intestinal disorders with SCENAR, and they showed positive results.

3. What is the place of SCENAR in modern medicine and where does it really belong in your opinion?

In my opinion, SCENAR takes an inappropriately insignificant place in modern medicine. This can be explained by the way modern doctors are raised. Truth be told nowadays most clinical recommendations are based only on the use of pharmacology.

How it usually works? A doctor prescribes the medications. A patient takes them. If there is no positive effect, the doctor will give some other pills. In SCENAR therapy you have to think, you have to create individual treatment algorithms, put some time and effort, sometimes without 100% guaranteed results. This is because SCENAR therapy is an individualized treatment method. Every patient is unique. The peculiarities of his body are not always clear from the first session. Sometimes treatment might go along an aggravation, in many cases there even has to be an aggravation, but the patient may not understand this and refuse the treatment.

However, despite all the difficulties, SCENAR technology has the future, and I tell you why. Every single year we can witness the rapidly growing body unresponsiveness to many medications, especially antibiotics. And soon the alternative (non-drug) methods of treatment that are based on the knowledge of physiological and pathophysiological processes will come to the forefront. This is when SCENAR will take its true place in modern medicine.

And for now, of course, SCENAR needs more promotion and involving more doctors of different specialities in this technology.

4. There is a joke: if a cold is treated, then a patient recovers in a week, if not treated - in seven days. Is SCENAR effective for treating acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) or cold-related diseases?

The disease course depends on the causative agent, degree of contamination, and child’s immunity. Now we are increasingly seeing protracted rhinitis, accompanied by various complications. To prevent such cases the combined approach is needed, including non-drug treatment methods. The efficiency of SCENAR in such diseases is undeniable.

5. So should SCENAR become a common doctor’s tool like stethoscope or tonometer?

That would be right. Wherever I go, I always have my phonendoscope, auriscope, and SCENAR with me. Sometimes a doctor’s help is needed urgently. Phonendoscope and auriscope are the devices for diagnostics, and SCENAR is for treatment. I had many cases when SCENAR helped me in critical situations.

6. How do you appraise the prospects of SCENAR therapy development in your country and worldwide?

It is not an easy question to answer. Everything used to treat people should have a high degree of evidence. That means serious clinical studies: randomized, double-blind, multi-center. This is quite hard to do because the patients have some very specific feelings during SCENAR therapy, but that means we need to seek new approaches to studying the evidence of the method and integrating SCENAR into the general practice.

7. Do you agree that every family should have at least a home SCENAR device?

Well, I can tell that all my children have SCENAR devices as gifts from me, and they saw its effectiveness with their own eyes when treated the bruises, wounds, and sprains of their own children.


