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SCENAR and treatment of adverse respiratory effects (clinical overview)

Kulizshkiy B.P. 2020

According to studies by Russian doctors, SCENAR can be used not only for pain relief, for which it is certified in the EU and the United States. SCENAR therapy shows great results in complex treatment of various respiratory diseases.

In the Russian Federation, SCENAR technology is successfully used for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Over the past years, SCENAR users, practitioners, and researchers gained extensive experience in SCENAR therapy of the respiratory system.

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Autumn is the time when we are more vulnerable to respiratory and viral infections. Such diseases may be accompanied by the aggravations of different kinds, primarily the respiratory disturbances. Treatment of these aggravations is aimed at improving the bronchial conductance, normalizing the blood oxygenation, stabilizing the autonomic regulation of lungs, and improving the immunity of local tissues. Perfect therapy is the launch of sanogenesis – a complex of protective and adaptive mechanisms aimed at restoring impaired self-regulation of the body.

We made a small review of articles and dissertation materials on SCENAR therapy of respiratory diseases. Of the many pulmonary diseases, the correction of respiratory failure in bronchial asthma, which is devoted to most of the review, is best studied. The treatment of acute pneumonia in children is also considered.

It should be noted that SCENAR treatment had faster positive results in children than in adults, which was repeatedly reported by professor Perfiliev at various International conferences.

Elena Gus'kova. Defended dissertations on the topic: “Influence of SCENAR treatment on free radical processes in the tissues and membranes of erythrocytes in oxidative stress” (Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 2009).

The study showed that SCENAR treatment:

· increases activity of the key antioxidant ferments (superoxide dismutase and catalase);

· has an inhibiting effect on the intensity of free radical oxidation;

· normalizes the erythrocyte membranes and leads to the relief of endogenous intoxication syndrome.

That means that SCENAR is a non-invasive treatment method and yet it can activate the body mechanisms of antioxidant protection that are the part of sanogenesis. The process of oxidative stress accompanies all kinds of disorders.

Madina Abdullaeva. Defended dissertation on the topic: “Improving the effectiveness of treatment of bronchial asthma using transcutaneous neuroadaptive electrical stimulation” (Ulyanovsk, Russia, 2014).

The comparative study evidenced that combining SCENAR with the basic drug therapy:

· allows to significantly reduce the clinical symptoms of bronchial asthma;

· improves the bronchial conductance;

· normalizes the oxygen supply of the body;

· reduces the drug intake;

· provides better control over the disease course.

A.A. Savis'ko, A.V. Tarakanov, A.A. Lebedenko, and S.H. Luspikyan conducted the study, which results were published in the article “Non-drug methods of relieving symptoms of bronchial asthma in children” (Kazan Medical Journal, 2010). (

The main objective of this study was to use SCENAR therapy as an addition to the standard treatment. It demonstrated that SCENAR therapy inclusion provides for:

· fast remission;

· reduction of endogenous intoxication;

· increased activity of catalasa in plasma and erythrocytes;

· restoration of the erythrocytes' membrane structure;

· suppression of lipid peroxidation.

Here we need to note the reduction of endogenous intoxication, i.e. activation of yet another element of sanogenesis – systems responsible for removal of toxins. This study also proves the antioxidant effect of SCENAR.

T.D. Tarakanova, A.A. Lebedenko, A.Y. Boyko, O.E. Ivanova, E.I. Gorshova conducted the study, which results were published in the article “Neuroadaptive correction of ANS and cardiovascular disturbances in children with acute pneumonia” (Acta Biomedica Scientifica, 2007). (

The main objective was to study the ANS responsiveness in children with acute pneumonia using SCENAR as an addition to standard treatment. The study demonstrated that SCENAR therapy inclusion provides for:

· significant clinical improvement in the form of reduced intoxication;

· normalizing of the body temperature curve;

· normalizing of the body respiratory function;

· positive changes on the 4th day (unlike the control group where children received only drug therapy and positive dynamics was recorded only on the 6-7th day);

· a significant difference in the autonomic status dynamics during SCENAR therapy: 87% normalization of the initial autonomic tone.

Positive changes were also noted in the cardiovascular system since at the time of discharge 70% of patients from the control group retained the revealed changes related to the cardiovascular system.

The researchers concluded that using the energoneuroadaptive regulation (SCENAR) as a systemic method of treatment can be an effective ANS corrective procedure that allows to activate the functional adaptation systems and decrease the drug intake by using the physiological methods of treatment.

A.A. Lebedenko, A.V. Tarakanov, N.P. Milyutina conducted the study, which results were published in the article “Combined treatment of bronchial asthma in children”, published in “SCENAR therapy and SCENAR expertise” collection of articles (Poznanye, Issue 9-10, Taganrog, Russia, 2004, pp.123-126).

It demonstrated that SCENAR therapy inclusion in medical facilities provides for:

· significant improvement of treatment results (quick relief of respiratory embarrassment, faster sputum discharge, and faster growth of the peak expiratory flow);

· a reduced necessity in parenteral drug administration, which greatly decreases the child's psychological stress);

· faster (comparing with the control group) improvement of the patients' general state, increased physical activity, and, therefore, a better quality of life;

· improvement of long-term treatment outcomes (less frequent aggravations, decreased dose of inhaled and oral glucocorticoids administered during the attack-free interval;

· activation of the antioxidant system of the body, which pathogenically inhibits the progression of the disease.

E.M. Rudnik conducted the study, which results were published in the article “More about the treatment of chronic non-specific pulmonary diseases” published in Reflexotherapy (Issue No. 3, 2005). The study demonstrated that:

· at the end of the treatment course, all patients had an improvement of the general condition (relief of complaints, including those associated with concomitant pathology, better sleep, appetite and mood);

· patients of the control group who only had drug therapy showed slower (5-7 days) relief of bronchial obstruction, improvement of auscultative picture and sputum discharge;

· in patients of the control group, relief of complaints related to concomitant pathology was not observed.

This clinical study proves the effectiveness of SCENAR therapy in the treatment of various non-specific pulmonary diseases. The combination of SCENAR and drug therapy significantly reduces the convalescence period.

To conclude this review, we provide a description of the procedures used by most of the above-mentioned researchers.

Technique No.1 was suggested for the treatment of bronchitis by one of the SCENAR therapy pioneers Dr. Yury Gorfinkel in 1995 – 1998.

1. Switch on the FM mode and place the electrode of the device on the sternal notch. Treat for 3-5 minutes.

2. Set F=90 Hz + Intens=5 and treat the lung fields with circular moves. You should start from the back. Firmly press the electrode to the skin and start slowly moving it across the lung field (see Fig.1). Treat the back moving outside from the spine, going along the ribs. After the back, treat the front of the chest, starting from the sides and moving towards the sternum. Please note, that the back should be treated up-to-down, from the center out, whereas the chest should be treated in the opposite way – bottom-up, toward the center (sternum). The treatment energy should be comfortable. Treat each area for 5-10 minutes.

For effective treatment in the acute period, you should perform at least 2-3 such sessions per day.

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Technique No.2 was suggested for the treatment of pneumonia by one of the SCENAR therapy pioneers Dr. Yury Gorfinkel in 1995 – 1998.

The patient should be seated during the session.

1. With circular moves treat the side and half of the back of the thorax on the complaint side. You need to firmly press the electrode to the skin and move it quickly. The treatment energy should be comfortable, set the treatment frequency of F=360 Hz. Treat this area for 3-5 minutes.

2. After the first step, you will see the local hyperemia (skin redness) that is usually located at the focus of inflammation. You should carefully treat these

areas until the hyperemia is disappeared. Use the built-in electrode of the device and set F=120 Hz + Intens=8 or FM + Intens=8. Treat this area for 5-7 minutes.

3. Repeat step one. There should be less or no hyperemia. If it had occurred in other areas, treat it additionally as described in step two.

4. Treat the healthy side areas that are symmetrical to the zones of hyperemia on the side of the complaint. Set F=90 Hz and treat for 3-5 minutes.

Conduct 3-5 sessions per day in the acute period and decrease the number of sessions as the patient recovers.

Technique No.3 was suggested for the treatment of asthmatic attacks by one of the SCENAR therapy pioneers Dr. Yury Gorfinkel in 1995 – 1998.

1. Place the electrode vertically on the sternal notch. After 3-5 minutes the respiratory embarrassment is usually decreased and the patient starts breathing normally. Start the treatment with the subcomfortable energy and gradually decrease it to the threshold level during the treatment. Treat the sternal notch using FM + Intens=5 or Sw1.

2. Treat the chest top-to-bottom, from the spine to the sternum along the ribs. The treatment time is 7-15 minutes. Set F=120 Hz + Intens=5, the treatment energy should be comfortable.

3. Treat the projection of the bronchi (sternum) bottom-up and continue to move the electrode along the anterior part of the neck to the chin. Repeat for 3-5 minutes until the sputum discharge. Set FM on.

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Fig.2 Treatment in case of asthmatic attack

Technique No.4, used in the study described in the article “Combined treatment of bronchial asthma in children” (Lebedenko, Tarakanov, Miluytina).

This objective of this treatment is achieved by the individually dosed treatment of the skin projections of the bronchopulmonary apparatus during the aggravation (SCENAR-97.4 device). The treatment frequency is F=90 Hz, treatment duration is 30-40 minutes. One treatment course is 10-14 days. First, treat the three pathways on the back, then the nearby areas (shoulders, wing bones, collar zone), and then the chest and sternal notch (see Fig.2 and Fig.1).

Author: B.P. Kulizshskiy

Reviewer: Y.I. Perfiliev, PhD (Medicine)

RITM OKB ZAO, Taganrog



