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Treatment areas

This technique includes three treatment areas:

а) direct cervical-collar area (the first treatment area);

  1. b) forehead (the second treatment area);
  2. c) projection of the adrenal glands (the third treatment area).

The first area is located on the back surface of the neck and partly on the back. That’s why such area resembles a collar.

The second area is located on the forehead.

The adrenal glands projections constitute the third area. This area is located in the point of crossing of a line passing down from the sharp scapula angle with the last rib (Fig. 4).

2 Fig1 2 Fig2 2 Fig3

Fig. 4

First, treat the cervical-collar area and then the forehead and adrenal glands projection.

The device’s electrode should be applied vertically.

How to carry out ‘collar area’ TECHNIQUE in SDM

The manner to be observed while performing the technique in SDM is almost the same for Professional devices and Home devices.

The left and right sides of the first area should be treated separately; the line passing along the backbone spines is considered as a separating line.

Start treating on the left from the area locating in conjunction with the hairy part of the head. The long edge of the electrode should be set at distance of one centimeter from the backbone spines.

The treatment should be carried out by slowly moving the electrode firmly pressed to the skin. Avoid forming the ‘skin wave’ before the device.

The scheme of the electrode movement is given in Fig. 5.

2 Fig4 2 Fig5 2 Fig6

Fig. 5

Repeat treatment until secondary signs appear but no more than five times. If secondary signs are detected, treat areas of their manifestation as specified in section 2.4 hereof.

Treat the right side in the similar manner.

Then, select the most pronounced sign among all secondary signs detected on the left and right sides and treat that area additionally as specified in section 2.4 hereof.

The forehead is the next area to be treated.

Warning! Reduce power to minimum before treating the forehead areas and then increase the power level smoothly to reach its comfortable level. The power level should be selected on the side surface of the neck.

Do not take off the electrode while treating the forehead but set it in sequence on skin areas in the order specified in Fig. 5. Each setting lasts 1 minute.

Treat the secondary sign areas on each side of the forehead additionally as specified in section 2.4 hereof.

Treat the area of the adrenal glands projection by moving the electrode for short distance. First on the left, then on the right.

Select the power level before treatment.

Treat the secondary sign areas additionally as specified in section 2.4 hereof.

How to carry out ‘collar area’ TECHNIQUE in IDM

The areas should be treated in IDM in sequence by moving the electrode in the order specified in Fig. 4.

If using Home devices, set IDM. (LED ‘D’ is switched on, see Operating Manual).

Each position should be treated till a completed dose, i.e. when all four LEDs are switched on and a sound signal beeps (see Operating Manual).

The secondary sign areas should be detected according the longest time period required to obtain a completed dose. The area with the longest dose period should be considered as the most active (a small asymmetry area). If some areas are detected with almost equal maximum time periods required to obtain a completed dose, the area which is located above all other areas should be selected.

The most active areas (small asymmetry areas) on the left and on the right should be treated three times in sequence till a completed dose.

The area where the treatment till a completed dose takes more time should be treated additionally, three times in sequence till a completed dose with the frequency modulation mode (the oscillating frequency) switched on.

Then, continue the session on the forehead.

At distance being equal to the electrode width from the center line of the forehead – make tree settings to the temple on the left and three settings to the temple on the right. Determine the most active areas on the left and on the right and treat them additionally three times in sequence till a completed dose.

The area on which the treatment till a completed dose requires more time should be treated three times in sequence till a completed dose and the frequency modulation mode (the oscillating frequency) should be switched on.

The area of the adrenal glands projection is located in the point of crossing of a line passing down from the sharp scapula edge with the last rib.

Treat the left and the right areas till a completed dose.

If using devices of Professional series in IDM, treat the areas in sequence as specified in Fig. 4. The actions should be taken in the same order as has been observed to carry out ‘3 pathways’ technique, the most active areas should be treated in sequence till a completed dose, zero and finish the treatment of the most active area in ‘FMVar’ mode.

The left and the right part should be treated independently, i.e. the most active areas of the left and the right part should not be compared.

The last electrode setting in all three areas should be always treated till a completed dose.


